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Misfile Wiki

God is the top administrator of the Misfile Universe, and Lord of All Creation.


After a period of hands-on administration of the universe He had created, God then created the Celestial Filing Depository in Heaven. None of the angels ever thought to ask why. Since no one was really in charge, everyone just did their thing, and it was very disorganized. Over time, Lucifer organized the Depository into a corporation and took over running it.

Lucifer became dissatisfied with simply being in charge of the universe and decided he wanted to own it. He got greedy and attempted a hostile takeover. He lost. God had seen the signs and knew what Lucifer was up to, and He took steps. Lucifer was defeated and God fired him.[1]

Lucifer didn't handle defeat well, and taking his management team with him, he set up shop in Hell in competition with Heaven. For his part, God split the filing depository into five smaller branches to prevent managers from trying another takeover.[2]
